
No problem.

Take sport suitpants and a T-shirt. If you have already practiced judo, karaté etc., you may wear you do-gi (kimono) at the beginning. Do not forget to take your good mood !!


Latest news

06/09/2024 08:00
Dear all, next training will take place on 24th September 2024. Looking forward to seeing you.

Sobukai Praha

Welcome to the Sobukai Praha's site, first dojo in the Czech Republic, member of the Japanese traditional martial arts school: Takeda Ryu Nakamura Ha.

We are looking forward to seeing you at our dojo situated in: 

Základní škola Vokovice, 

Vokovická 3, 16900 Praha 6

Who can practice Takeda Ryu Nakamura Ha sobudo and what are the benefits ?                         

- Suitable for both men and women

- Good for your overall physical condition

- Respect of it own's rythm

- Will help you to better understand your body balance

Precious help in self-defense situation 


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